Today's de-gassing sessions went a lot smoother than yesterday's, and all without the mess. I imagine this evening's de-gassing could have had an explosion, but I was watching carefully this time and as the foam started to accumulate I raised the mixer and knocked them back down. After that it never roses to such heights again.
I also added the next step in the nutrient addition, except I accidentally added a 1/2 tsp. of nutrient instead of 1/4 tsp. I hope that's not a problem (but I don't think so).
I did take a gravity reading this morning, but forgot to record it. I think it was around 1.095, but that would be surprising since this evening's reading was 1.083, which would seem to be a pretty big drop in just 12 hours. But what do I know?
Now I'll wait for the one-third sugar break. With the OG of 1.108, that would mean when the gravity reaches 1.040 I'll make the final nutrient addition.
It should be noted that this SNA is slightly different than the one Bray Denard recommends. With that one, you take you OG, divide it by three, and as the gravity hits each one-third drop you add one third of your total nutrients.
In the recipe I'm following, you divide your nutrient additions into fourths, and and one quarter when you pitch the yeast, and then 24 hrs and 48 hrs afterwards. The final addition goes in when the gravity reaches one third of the original. I guess it's about the same...just a little different.
So I'll continue to de-gas for the next few days and take gravity readings waiting for the sugar break, which I figure will be in about 2 days. As said in a prior post, I'll de-gas for a full week.
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